Saturday, September 27, 2008

The First Race

The first race is the toughest (not really)...

I did it. I finished my first race. Mind you, it was only a 5K, but I did it. I ran it in 32.19...6th place for my age, 30th overall.

I'm now going to begin training for the next race...8 mile run on Thanksgiving Day (Nov 27th) in the YMCA Turkey Trot.

Chili's in Rockwall
1st Annual 5K run benefiting St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital


Angela said...

I am so jealous!! I LOVE to run. I am really in no shape to run right now, but once I am I will run with you!! Got to loose the "gut" first!!

Heather said...


The Jones Zoo said...

You go girl! I wish I had the ability to run a marathon. I had no idea you were into them. I would love to try one oneday. You'll be my new inspiration, but please let me in on the secret, how do you find the time to train with three little ones?

Lucia Luschek said...

Congratulations! So exciting! You look GREAT!

Billy Self said...

Nice job on your first race. Before you know it, you'll do a triathlon, then be hooked for life. Of course, you'll require a team to be a part of during the season. I'll keep my eyes open for local triathlon teams with environmentally friendly motives.

Jerry Welch said...

Who took all those awesome pictures of you running?


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