Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Battle Royale

We are going through a battle of the wills in our household right now.

My battle, her will.

Truth be told, there would be no battle if dear old Mom would just give in and allow Little Miss 4-Year-Old to run the house. Wouldn't that be a sight?! Peanut butter and chocolate milk for breakfast, Dora the Explorer on TV 24/7, mismatched shoes, no brushed teeth, naked barbies everywhere. What would happen to my boys?!

This particular day she has been cranky from the moment she woke up...whiny, not listening, argumentative. She has been refusing to take naps for some time now, and I usually let it go as long as she spends some quite time in her room while the boys are napping. But today...she needed a nap. I informed her of this and was immediately met with MUCH resistance. After trying to reason with her...the spank stick came out...and Momma was a-swingin'. One pop...she screamed loud (not pain loud, defiant loud)...second pop (same reaction). She would quiet down long enough for me to reach for the door knob and then the screaming would commence once again. After the third pop I had to leave the room. I cried walking down the stairs (the screaming had still not stopped...I just couldn't spank her anymore). I cried for her ignorance, I cried for the sting on her behind, I cried because I truly hurt inside from disciplining her.

Why are we rebellious by nature? I didn't teach my children to NOT listen to me. Why do we REALLY test boundaries when we KNOW the consequences? Do we think there will be a different outcome if we push it two, three, four times? Why don't we realize that whether we choose to obey or disobey we are still a slave to something.

Romans 6:16
Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

1 comment:

Angela said...

You are preaching to the choir sister. Only it isn't Dora, it's Diego or Thomas....oh and he is almost 6, not 4. I wish I could tell you that they "smarten" up but I am still waiting on that. I guess Ethan has watched Blake get into enough throuble that he pretty much dosen't press his luck. Chase on the other hand is following in biggest brothers foot steps. He gives me dirty looks when I put him in time out, or tell him "No". I have to bite my tongue not to start laughing. The only thing saving that kid is his cutemess. Good luck to you, it is a long battle....with no end in sight.


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