Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Minivan Years

I know we've all heard Jeff Foxworthy's take on, "You might be a redneck..." And it got me thinking lately after our latest vehicle purchase...

"You know you're a mom when..."

- a minivan has gone from "that is such a Mom car" to "this thing has enough cup holders for everyone's juice cup!"

- you can name all of the different spots on your shirt (oatmeal, milk, spit, blood).

- you sing The Itsy-bitsy Spider in the car when you're all alone.

a trip to Wal-mart by yourself feels like heaven on earth.

- your husband thinks you look sexy and all you did was FINALLY take a shower.

- you make your 15th trip to Wal-mart because in all of the commotion of parking, kids, and checkers you forgot the real reason you came in the first place.

- you fully understand toddler talk...you get that "potty" means little business and "podda" means BIG business.

- you spell words to other adults even when your children aren't present. You may have even been spelling words around the kids that don't need to be spelled out. "Honey, I took out the T-R-A-S-H this A.M."

- you take the opportunity to smell each baby head fresh from the bath.

- you relish the sight of peacefully sleeping children.

- you cry in the shower...laugh when they giggle...ache when they're in pain.

What a great gift. I'm so glad I'm a mom.

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