Friday, August 29, 2008

No bones...

This topic will most likely continue beyond this post.

Kids say the darndest things...

There are things in your children's lives that you will cherish forever. Unfortunately, there are many more things we will forget because of the fast-paced lives we lead. I wanted to share a few of the amazing, and hilarious stories my children have told. These are the moments when any beverage you may be enjoying at the time will spew from your mouth or nose.

The other day I was riding in the car with the kids and Ashlyn starts talking to me about the human body. She was questioning our design (remember, she likes to talk about blood a LOT right now).

"Do we have bones in our tongue, Mom?"

"No Sweetie, it is just a big muscle."
(probably one Mommy needs to exercise a little less)

"Hmmm...just a muscle? No bones? So we have bones in our legs, and arms, and feet?"

"We sure do! And in our chest and hands. Hey Ashlyn, do we have bones in our nose?"

Quietly she pondered my question...

"We have bones in our head?! bones in our nose...just boogs."

Ya got that right!

Aidan and Ashlyn were having an argument about toys. (This is a pretty regular occurrence nowadays) Aidan was frustrated by his sister for some reason and decided to hit her in the face.

Ashlyn screamed and I grabbed Aidan by the arm. I knelt down in front of him with my hands on either of his biceps.

"Aidan, did you hit Sister in the face?"

"No...I hit her in the nose."

Well, at least he's honest!

Jerry and I took the kids to Wal-mart to pick up a few things (we all know how these visits usually go). As I headed down the aisles looking for miscellaneous items we needed around the house, Jerry took the kids on a tour of the store. There was a bit of commotion near the electronics, but we didn't pay it much attention...we're the "go in, get what you need, and get the heck outta Dodge ASAP" family. After checking out and getting the kids in the car, Jerry decided to share their adventure. Apparently, there was an autograph signing going on with a WWE wrestler, CM Punk. Jerry had taken the kids walking through the sporting goods and stopped next to a very large man with two bodyguards. After asking Jerry if he was a fan (which he responded, "I'm a Dallas Stars fan"), a man told Jerry that they couldn't have an autograph. My sweet, direct husband informed them that he had no intention of getting an autograph. While discussing the logistics of standing in line and waiting his turn, CM Punk began to talk to Aidan...

"What's your name?"

"I Aidan.
(Pause) You have colors." (If you check out his link, you will see that CM Punk is covered in tattoos)

"I sure do! Does your dad have any tattoos?"

Without even thinking about it for a moment, Aidan responded..."Ra-ta-too-nee?" (Apparently we have allowed our small children to watch too many movies)

Needless to say, CM Punk was delighted to meet our middle child and asked him to give him "some skin."

WOW! Out of the mouth of babes.

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