Thursday, August 21, 2008

God and the Green Goblin(s)

To the owners of the "hard to start" green machines...(Mr. J and Mr. K)

Just when you realize satan is lurking around the corner, trying with all his might to make you question yourself physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually, remember this...

God has you in the palm of His hand each time you drive away from our homes (no matter how many times it takes to start the "green beans.") He is honored by your relationship and accountability to each other. You are hard-working men of character and he is pleased by what he sees. I am proud of you for leading our families down the path the Lord has laid out.

Keep on trekking.


Jill Cornelius said...

Uh-oh... Did Jer have trouble too? New battery and we're good to go over here!

Jerry Welch said...

The picture doesn't quite pick up the rust spots ... but thanks for the encouragement. Love ya ... j


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