Friday, August 15, 2008

Bubbles and Fossils and Farming...Oh My!

If you have not taken a trip to the Dallas Science and Nature Museum recently, I suggest making the trek to Fair Park.

On Wednesday morning we set out with a group of friends for a day of adventure and learning.

Between servings of goldfish and teddy grahams and handing out sippy cups with juice, we explored Ice Age Dallas, Ocean Dallas, Texas Dinosaurs, and the Little Urban Farm. I actually learned about a giant sea turtle that was found in Dallas that lived over 65 million years ago! I have now decided to research these creatures and "update" my tattoo to reflect two of my favorite things...turtles and Texas!


The kids had the opportunity to learn about farming in the Little Urban Farm, but I don't think much info was retained. The boys had fun shifting the fruits and veggies from basket to basket and Ashlyn enjoyed taking all of the eggs from the chicken coops and putting them "away". I would bet the employees are still finding eggs throughout the exhibit.

Genesis 1:31
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good..."

1 comment:

Jerry Welch said...

Why do all the little things we do to keep the kids happy seem so whimsical in prose but drive me bananas in the flesh?


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