Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Twas a Good Run

Inspired by a friend who recently ran from his home in Woodcreek to Chandlers Landing in Rockwall (woo! a total of 11.8 miles!), I decided to map a run of my own using a VERY cool website (which he also introduced me to), MapMyRun.com.

Yesterday, my sweet husband dropped me off at Harry Myers Park in Rockwall...and I ran home. I mapped it as a 5 mile run.

Overall, it was a rather unevenful run with a little more hills than I anticipated, the occasional dog barking from behind a fence (and two that were not contained), a decomposing cat in the middle of the street and a dead corn snake near the newly harvested corn fields. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of any of these amazing sites...I was too busy keeping pace and trying to make it home in time for dinner. I was impressed by the courtesy shown to me by on-coming traffic. The only concern I had was crossing FM 549 at 5:00pm, but traffic was surprising light when I crossed.

I completed my run in just under 58 minutes. Time to start shaving minutes...getting revved up for the 8-mile Turkey Trot!


Billy Self said...

I think you are on pace to do a sub 90 minute trot...which is very good, i think. Katie and I did the trot last year together... and finished in 89 minutes and change.

Congratulations on a safe, successful run home.

Will you do other destination runs? Like perhaps from East to West?? Or...going from south to north fate.

Elizabeth said...

I am actually mapping out a few new runs right now! Any suggestions?


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