Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Improving My Time

Just a quick update...I ran 5 miles in my neighborhood this afternoon in 46 minutes. Granted, there are a lot less hills in these parts, but I improved my time by over 10 minutes.

I will catch that turkey on Thanksgiving morning and what a mighty fine feast it shall be. :-)


Heather said...

WOW, that's amazing! Have you run neighborhoods much before, or have you just done the "treadmill thing" mostly...just wondering if that helps make you go faster - with more to look at, etc. I would get so bored on a treadmill consistently running five miles. At the same time, I guess I can see that with a treadmill, you can't really involuntarily slow your pace like you could running outside...anyway...

Jerry Welch said...

You're starting to sound like Billy. Which makes sense since you both shave your legs.

On the subject ... I'm impressed. Especially since I get winded walking up the stairs.

Jerry Welch said...

You're starting to sound like Billy. Which makes sense since you both shave your legs.

On the subject ... I'm impressed. Especially since I get winded walking up the stairs.


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