Monday, March 22, 2010

SFM - Day Three

Yesterday was about the same as the day before. I did really well until a certain friend brought over chocolate cake. I did only have one small piece but COME ON! I can't even say "no" to one piece of cake? What is the deal here?!

Today I noticed that I need to probably pay more attention to exactly what I'm eating. I did very well not eating refined sugar today but I'm a little concerned I may replace it with too much protein. Unfortunately a lot of protein sometimes means a lot more fat...and that's a no-no in my book!

But this is an experiment...trial and error. Success with no refined sugar today. One point for me :) Hoping to see that cutting out sugar has minor physical benefits as well as health benefits.

1 comment:

lucialuschek said...

Good for you for making a goal... at the 1st of the year I tried to do the same thing, because I'm just like you in the sweets dept. I lasted 6 weeks until my mother-in-law sent me her homemade cookie for Valentine's Day. But, I can say that I don't eat sweets nearly as much now! So even if you don't "pass" every day, your "fail" days will get fewer are far between. It seems that you actually stop thinking about them or wanting them as much. Good luck with your goal! I'm rooting for ya :)


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