Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For the Dogs...

On July 3, 2009 things changed in our household. A typical day of going to the gym, running errands and taking care of the kiddos. When we got home I performed my usual duty of letting the dogs out to do their business. I got caught up in normal household chores and totally spaced the dogs were outside. About an hour after letting them out I heard Lady, our yellow lab, barking at the back door. I opened it to find her rapidly panting. Suki, our Yorkie, was not with her. I let Lady in for a drink slightly puzzled as to why she would be out of breath since she's not a very active dog. I walked out in the back yard to call Suki, walked around the side of the house and noticed that the gate was open. Since this has happened before I wasn't terribly worried that Suki wouldn't return. She is known for digging out, running out the front door to greet the neighbors, waltz out an open gate when available. I went back inside and went about my business expecting a neighbor to bring her by. But the doorbell never rang.

We put up signs the next morning, called the local shelters...no luck. The next weekend we received a call that someone spotted a Yorkie down the street but they were unable to catch the dog. We never saw the animal.

Though the loss of an animal will never compare to the loss of a child I can honestly say that a part of me is gone.

I got Suki when I was 20. Things in life at the time were rocky. She was my bud...the one that listened, the one that let me cry. I've joked with my mom about how great it is that she could never talk because Oh! the things she saw and heard!

Thank you Suki for being everything a dog is meant to be. I miss you so...

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