Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I have never joined in on the MckMama fun, but I'm feeling a bit saucy tonight...so what the heck!
This week, while playing at the park with our three kids, my littlest one did not come up to me with his hand stretched out and exclaim, "Yuck!" I most certainly did not almost lick his fingers before realizing he had been diaper digging. I would never lick foreign substances off my children's hands...who would do that?
I did not update my Facebook status at 8:00pm this evening to wish my son a happy 2nd birthday. What kind of a mother would forget to announce their childs birth date to the world until after he was in bed? Not me!
I absolutely did not drive 3.5 hours in the car this weekend to a motherhood retreat only to find that the retreat material had nothing to do with mothering whatsoever. I did not sneak out of the retreat at 9:00pm on Saturday, throw my bags in the car and haul outta that joint as fast as lightning to arrive back home after midnight. I would never do such a thing!
I did not teach my 3-year-old the phrase "jacked-up" only to find that he now tells people when he needs to go potty it is because "his front bo-bo is jacked up". Not me.
I most certainly did not suggest starting spring cleaning early when my husband got laid off this week. I can not imagine the type of wife that would think of organization at a time like this! Not me.
I hope anyone reading this post has had a good laugh and a fantastic start to their week.