Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Window to the World

Sister A has had a loose tooth for a couple of weeks. I originally thought it possibly was loosened by a recent encounter with her brother's head. But she didn't say anything about pain and there was no blood. I did research losing teeth online to see when is typical for a child to lose their first tooth. Apparently, 5 1/2 years old is typical though it is not uncommon for children to lose a tooth before their fifth birthday. Good thing since my baby is 4 1/2.

Regardless of how it was loosened or what age is "normal", Sister A lost her first tooth on November 18, 2008 at Mimi and Granddaddy's house. Her tongue now has a window to peer out at the world. I'm still shocked that I am mother of a child that is old enough to begin shedding baby teeth. Where does the time go?

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